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About Me

I (Brian Semling) started Brian’s Toys while I was a 16-year old junior in high school during February of 1994.  It all began when I was a little boy growing up in the early 80’s.  I loved Star Wars and I loved Star Wars toys.  I still remember opening my Empire Strikes Back AT-AT for Christmas when I was 4 years old in 1981 and lighting up the chin guns for the first time!  It was my favorite toy and I still have a picture of my AT-AT and me next to the Christmas tree with a bunch of action figures in my hands.  After a number of good years playing with my toys, my family decided to hold its first garage sale.  At the age of 10 years old I excitedly sold off all of my Star Wars toys for the sum of $20!  Several years went by and I didn’t think much about my toys or Star Wars until one fortuitous day, at age 15, Return of the Jedi happened to be on tv at a friend’s house.  I couldn’t pull myself away until it was over; it reminded me of how much I loved Star Wars growing up.  It just so happened that my friend had a bunch of old He-Man and the Masters of the Universe toys in his basement that we looked at that day, and I recalled all of my childhood Star Wars toys.  A spark was lit, and I began collecting Star Wars toys.  I loved everything about them.  I learned a lot, met a lot of great people, and couldn’t believe there was a whole community of like-minded enthusiasts out there that were collecting the same toys! 

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